We received a call from a home owner in Browns Plains wanting a termite inspection as they new they had termites in the house. The home had a history of termite activity as their house backs on to a nature reserve. The home owner explained that they had a treatment done about 10 years ago and was asking why they had termites again. We did explain that any treatment which was installed over 10 years ago has most probably expired.
After a short discussion the home owner in Browns Plains was happy to book in a termite inspection.Once I started the termite inspection I could see termite activity in the weather boards. Termites or white ants had concealed entry underneath the pavers which is not uncommon. After having a quick look underneath the house I could see some termite mudding coming out of the walls. I knew this was not good news for the home owner as this usually means there is quite a few termites behind the wall.
The termite activity was next to the downstairs bathroom so I am sure the white ants were sourcing moisture from behind the walls. I made a few holes in the walls so I could use my boroscope and see how much damage had been done. Unfortunately there was quite a lot of damage. Conquer Termites always recommends to eradicate the live termites then install a chemical treatment either using Termidor or Altriset. If you have live termites in your home in Browns Plains and we have installed a termite barrier we will always come back in one month to make sure the termites have deceased.
If you are worried about termites eating your home call us now on 3343 3934 or 0432 721 715.
Please check out our other Website as well.
Professional Pest/Termite Inspection, Termite Treatment and Pest Control Services in Coopers Plains, Robertson, Acacia Ridge, Sunnybank, Kuraby, Eight Mile Plains and surrounding Suburbs.
0432 721 715
Office 12, Building 6, 18 Torbey St, Sunnybank Hills, 4109