It was a beautiful fine summers day when a lovely customer from Greenbank told us she was having problems with termites within her home. She told us that she had found termite damage in her house in several spots. We told her over the phone it would be best if we conducted a full termite inspection of her property so we could identify exactly where the live termites were. Our customer in Greenbank was very happy for us to conduct a thorough termite inspection.
When we arrived we could see nice big trees surrounding the property which is always a concern as termites love to nest in the base of a tree. Any house surrounded by bush is at a very high risk of termite attack. Some houses in Greenbank could be lucky and not get attacked for 20 or 30 years, then on the other hand some houses could be attacked within 2 years of being built. Unfortunately it just depends on where the termites are foraging.
While we were conducting the termite inspection we saw the whole back side of the house was damaged by termites. We knew we had a serious problem as the white ants had been there for about 12 months. When we were conducting the termite inspection we happened to open the vanity door and to my amazement we found a huge termite nest inside. (Please see photo attached).
For termites to build such a big termite nest inside the vanity there would have had to be a severe leak for them to be attracted to. Also it would have taken between six and twelve months for them to build this nest. Unfortunately the home owners never used this bathroom, hence the size of the termite nest.
We had to strongly recommend to bait the termites as this would travel throughout the colony and they would eliminate themselves. Conquer Termites are not bias in the way we treat live termites but we will always recommend the best and professional advice.
If you would like some professional advice please call Nick Wood on 3343 3934 or 0432 721 715.
Professional Pest/Termite Inspection, Termite Treatment and Pest Control Services in Coopers Plains, Robertson, Acacia Ridge, Sunnybank, Kuraby, Eight Mile Plains and surrounding Suburbs.
0432 721 715
Office 12, Building 6, 18 Torbey St, Sunnybank Hills, 4109