Termite inspections in Sunnybank Hills are highly recommended by
all termite inspectors who work in your suburb as it is more
prone to termite activity due to the volume of homes in your neighbourhood.
Unfortunately for home owners in Sunnybank Hills termites
(white ants) can travel over 100 metres from their nest,
this is one reason why we recommend regular termite inspections.
Termite control in Sunnybank Hills is up to the individual,
termites can be feeding on a wooden retaining wall and you may
not even know. If your house does not have a current chemical
treatment installed you are at a very high risk of termite attack.
Conquer Termites are now finding a lot more termites in
Sunnybank Hills than 5 years ago and this could be that Brisbane
is out of the drought. Termites love the hot humid weather we
experience in Queensland, so if it has been a while since your
last termite inspection call Nick Wood now on 3343 3934
or 0432 721 715.
Professional Pest/Termite Inspection, Termite Treatment and Pest Control Services in Coopers Plains, Robertson, Acacia Ridge, Sunnybank, Kuraby, Eight Mile Plains and surrounding Suburbs.
0432 721 715
Office 12, Building 6, 18 Torbey St, Sunnybank Hills, 4109