It was a gorgeous day in Calamvale when we received a call from
a very concerned customer wanting a pest inspection and he also
explained the distressed situation he was in. The customer in
Calamvale explained to us that the cornices of his home (cornices
are the trims in the corner of the walls and ceiling) looked like
they were coming away from the ceiling and walls.
Nick the Termite Inspector was called to inspect the home and on
arrival Nick checked the areas of concern and also found the
plasterboard looked like it was being squashed. At Conquer Termites
South Central we do not jump to any conclusions, so we strongly recommend
our free half hour check. As Nick checked the cornices they seemed
quite solid, but the plasterboard looked to be crushed. The homeowner
gladly started taking off the roof tiles so a more thorough inspection of the
roof could be done and on doing so, to our amazement, we could see exactly
what was happening.
Termites (white-ants) had been attacking the top plates to the
point where the roof had sunk 2 inches or 5cm from the weight.
After we took various tiles off we could see about 7 metres had
been attacked and was like newspaper. The concerned homeowner
could not believe how this could happen. (Please see the photo on right).
The homeowner in Calamvale went ahead with a Full Pest Inspection
on the spot. After a very thorough pest inspection was completed
it was quite clear that there was no signs of any Subterranean
Termite activity or damage inside the structure. Termites (white-ants)
had gained concealed entry into the house and chewed their way straight
to the top plate. Fortunately or unfortunately as the roof dropped this actually
scared the live termites out of the structure. The sinking of the roof might
have been a blessing in disguise, otherwise the termites would have
gladly kept eating the structural timbers in the roof.
In our industry a lot of homeowners will not install a Termite Barrier
using the transfer poison Termidor until it is too late. It is
recommended that a termite treatment be installed before termites have
done significant termite damage costing in excess of $10, 000.
Our advice to you is simple, protect your biggest asset before it is too late.
Contact Nick Wood on 07 3343 3934 or 0432 721 715 now…for his professional advice.
Professional Pest/Termite Inspection, Termite Treatment and Pest Control Services in Coopers Plains, Robertson, Acacia Ridge, Sunnybank, Kuraby, Eight Mile Plains and surrounding Suburbs.
0432 721 715
Office 12, Building 6, 18 Torbey St, Sunnybank Hills, 4109